Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life – Episode 9

The Glorious Mysteries – Part 1: Blossoming in the Empowered Life. Are you ready to experience more joy to be a better minister? In the first Mystery, the Resurrection, our sufferings and dyings are transfigured into new life, new purposes, new ministries. In the Mystery of the Ascension, we reach higher states of forgiveness, love, determination, commitment, faithfulness, and willingness to spread the Good News. Jesus said, “If you believe in Me, you will do the works that I do, and greater ones than these” (John 14:12). How can this be true?

Originally recorded as a live retreat in New Zealand, the 10-part series “Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life uses the Mysteries of the Rosary to help you rise to new heights of faith, hope and love.

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